The Cade Gurney Ice Hockey Fund
The ANC Community would like to pay tribute to Cade Gurney, who passed away on Sunday, November 26th after a courageous battle with cancer.
Cade was a beloved ice hockey coach at ANC who went above and beyond for his players. He poured his heart and soul into mentoring countless student-athletes at ANC and his impact extended far beyond the game itself.
Cade modeled kindness, positivity, and sportsmanship while fostering a competitive environment where all student-athletes could succeed.
About the Fund
To honor Cade’s legacy, the Gurney Family and ANC have established the “Cade Gurney Ice Hockey Fund.” All donations made in Cade’s honor will go to endow an annual award at ANC for a hockey player who displays Cade’s traits and values.
Donations can be made via check or online by clicking the donate button above.
Checks should be made payable to "Academy of the New Church" with "Cade Gurney Ice Hockey Fund" in the memo line. Checks can be sent to:
Attention: Jim Adams
Academy of the New Church
P.O. Box 707, Bryn Athyn PA 19009