group of students and teachers smiling

MLK Day of Service

On Martin Luther King Day, Delta Mu hosted a day of service for volunteer students and teachers. 

They started early Monday morning at the Pennypack Trust to remove some of the invasive vines that are suffocating native trees. It was a difficult task, but with teamwork and laughter much was accomplished. Delta Mu President Aurelle O (Girls School) said: “It was really gratifying to see all the progress we made together as we cleared a huge stretch of woods of invasive wineberry vines.”

That afternoon, volunteers helped at the annual Kuhl Skate, a fundraiser benefiting the Bryn Athyn Emergency Fund. Students handed out hot chocolate, sold raffle tickets and greeted guests as they came in. Delta Mu President Ethan L (Boys School) said: “It felt good to give back.”

Visit our Facebook Page to view a photo album of the Pennypack Trust service event. 

Delta Mu is ANC’s service club, open to any students who have completed at least 25 cumulative hours of community service. Their motto is: “Serve to learn, learn to serve.”