Mission & History
At ANC, we are preparing our students for a principled and useful life in both the natural and spiritual worlds. Through challenging academics and full extra-curricular participation, our students enjoy many opportunities to find their balance.
Our Core Values
- The New Church teachings guide us and are the foundation of our programs.
- We prepare our students to grow spiritually, morally, academically, physically, socially, and artistically.
- We honor and nurture the unique and complementary nature of each gender.
- We are passionate about promoting what is best for each student.
- We engage our students in lives of social responsibility.
Our History
The Academy of the New Church received its charter in 1877, primarily as a Theological School for the priesthood of the New Church. Eventually a collegiate department (now Bryn Athyn College) was formed, the Boys School was established in 1881, and in 1884, a Girls School, privately set up by Sarah deCharms Hibbard, was incorporated into the Academy.
By the turn of the century the Academy schools had been moved to their current Bryn Athyn location, in what was then the countryside near Philadelphia, in Montgomery County. During the 1960's the College moved to a separate campus across the street.
Today, the Boys School and Girls School have developed a unique balance of co-educational and single sex classes and activities.